
7 Coaching Offers to Pitch During Black Friday

Categorized as Marketing for Coaches
7 Coaching Offers to Pitch During Black Friday

It’s that time of the year again, where consumers across the world save their money to get the best deals of the year. And you know what? This phenomenon isn’t just for e-commerce stores, it’s for coaches too! 

That’s right! It’s time for you, as a coach, to cash in on the biggest shopping event of the year, Black Friday! And to help, we are going to share with you a few ideas you can steal to get started. 

But first, who are we? We are Cass + Tee, the duo behind the blog you are reading right now. We are certified coaches and coaching website designers with a combined 20 years of experience helping small businesses with their brands, websites, and marketing. 

Now that we aren’t strangers anymore, let’s dive right in.

7 Coaching Offers to Pitch During Black Friday

As coaches, we tend to get forgotten and lost in the holiday shuffle, but that’s only because we think it’s not for us. Let’s dig deeper and together come up with some fun offers and promotions you can pitch during Black Friday. 

1. Percentage Off Coaching Services

Let’s start with the most obvious, a percentage off your coaching products and services. This is the easiest way to join in on the Black Friday fun. But remember, your potential coaching clients want real deals, just like you do when you shop during the holidays. We recommend that you offer at least 30 to 40% off.

Now, we know that a lot for coaching, and we realize that coaching is a lot more work than traditional online business services. So, if you are going to offer a percentage off, you need to get creative!

For example: 

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  • If you offer a year-long coaching program, only offer a discount if someone pays the full cost upfront. Don’t offer a discount on payment plans. 
  • If you do offer payment plans, offer a percentage off on the first month only, or give the first month way for free. 
  • If your coaching program is a mastermind, retreat, or group coaching, you can offer a buy one at full price and get a 2nd seat to gift. 

Creating a discount should be super easy! If you have a coaching shop on your website, the software you use should be able to automatically create discounts, coupon codes, and more. They should automatically apply when someone uses the code or shops within a certain timeframe. We use ThriveCart as our shopping cart, and it works perfectly!

Holiday Offers for Coaches Using ThriveCart - thrivecart.com

Just make sure that you can honor the deal and it works within your coaching business model. 

2. Exclusive Holiday Coaching Offers

This one is really fun! Instead of offering a percentage off, you could create an entirely new service just for the holidays! This can be something brand new if you have the time to create it, or it can be a mini-version of the coaching program that you already offer. 

What we love about this option is that it creates a sense of urgency for your coaching clients. They know that this deal is only for the holidays and if they don’t act, they won’t see it again until next year, or possibly never again.

Get creative and brainstorm some ideas that would work for your coaching niche. Here are a few things to ideas to think about: 

  • Health Coach: Offer a special program just for getting healthy after the holidays. 
  • Financial Coach: Create a mini financial program that helps people budget during the holidays.
  • Life Coach: Get started with your New Year offer early, and let clients purchase their seats for January now. 
  • Executive Coach: Create a holiday leadership program where you help executives plan holiday events and develop end-of-the-year award programs.
  • Business Coach: Offer an end-of-year analysis coaching offer where you review the year and decide what went wrong, what went right, and how to improve next year. 

The sky is the limit! The trick is to make sure your offer makes sense for your niche, and create something that solves one problem,  is small, but too irresistible to pass up. 

3. Bundle and Discount Coaching Services

If you are an established coach, with more than one coaching product, service, or offering, create a bundle! For example, if you are a life coach, you might offer a monthly 1-on-1 coaching program AND a group coaching mastermind. You could bundle them both together and offer that for Black Friday. 

Or if you offer a mastermind and a yearly retreat, you can bundle them both your people who join your group coaching program also get a guaranteed seat at your retreat.

Remember that this is the deal season! Make sure the cost to purchase the bundle is cheaper than buying them individually. 

4. Offer Free Products with Coaching Services

Do you sell coaching products? Maybe you offer a journal, or a planner, or ebooks? If so, you can offer those for free if someone purchases any of your coaching services during your Black Friday promotion. 

People LOVE free stuff, and people love bundles. This offer is great because it combines them both into one magnetic offer. For example, if you could give away all your coaching ebooks for free for anyone who purchases your signature coaching program. Or, you can gift everyone a free physical journal if they sign up for your monthly mastermind. 

The only limit here is your creativity. 

5. Offer Coaching Gift Cards

The biggest mistake coaches make is thinking that gift cards are just for physical products. That used to be the case, but now, in the age of self-care and self-development, coaches can use gift cards too.

Self-development is big business, and so many people are looking to gift their loved ones with tools to help them reach their greatest potential. Coaching is no exception. No matter what you sell, you need to have gift cards ready to go. 

Gift cards are the most desired holiday gifts — with 61 percent of people looking forward to them during the holiday season!

If you already have a coaching shop on your website, the software you use should have capabilities to create gift cards and manage them for you. 

Coaching Shop - lovelyimpactshop.showit.site

If not, you can just do it the old fashion way by designing a gift card using Canva and emailing it to everyone who purchases.

Holiday Gift Card Templates for Coaches - www.canva.com

Just make sure you give each one a special code so it can’t be shared! 

6. Free Shipping and Gift Wrapping for Coaching Products

Have you developed a physical coaching product? What about a journal or a planner? If so, ship it for free! There are two magic words even more valuable than a discount: “free shipping”. We all love free shipping.

To take it even further, offer free shipping and offer free gift wrapping for customers who are buying your coaching product as a gift. Remember to choose beautiful gift wrapping that matches your branding. The gift receiver could be a future customer!

Whatever you decide, if you fulfill and ship yourself, please make sure you prepare to hire seasonal staff to help if it comes to that. We can’t tell you the number of times a small business owner has gotten overwhelmed because they didn’t realize our popular their offer would be. 

Deals and discounts go viral fast! Just to be safe, make sure you have friends, family, or staff to help you it gets crazy. The worst thing you want is to have your products delayed and not make to your customer for the holidays. 

7. Donate to a Charity Aligned With Your Coaching Niche

Last, but certainly not least, is our favorite holiday promotion for coaches. Instead of giving a percentage off, donate a percentage of your holiday sales to a charity of your choice that aligns with your coaching mission and vision. 

There are so many charities and causes that need help, especially around the holidays. Do your research now, and find something that feels right for you. Here are a few ideas for different coaches: 

  • Health Coach: Local food pantry or soup kitchen. 
  • Financial Coach: Financial literacy program for underserved communities.
  • Life Coach: Any type of organization that focuses on changing lives like AAA, Red Cross, etc
  • Executive Coach: Career development non-profits like Dress for Success. 
  • Business Coach: Minority business development incubators, grants, and more. 

Final Thoughts

You don’t need to miss out on Black Friday just because you are a coach. There are so many ways you can join in on the fun, and increase your profit during the most lucrative time of the year for small businesses. 

If you need more help, go read “The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Marketing for Coaches (Step-by-Step)” HERE >>

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a brand coach and the Co-Founder & Chief Brand Officer at Lovely Impact, a website template shop for coaches. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

Hey! I’m Tee, a brand and marketing coach and the Co-Founder & CMO at Lovely Impact, a website template shop for coaches. I help coaches grow their coaching businesses digitally. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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